Orchard Club South | Englewood, CO
8484 S Valley Hwy, Suite 250, Englewood, CO 80112
Near County Line Light Rail Station
Ways to Support Orchard Club & Your Meeting Group

As a nonprofit serving the 12-step recovery community, Orchard Club South and the dozens of recovery meetings housed at the club rely on the generous support of members using our 3 different donation types: (1) Orchard Club Memberships at $15/month, (2) 7th Tradition Meeting Contributions, and (3) "Support Our Orchard Club" Donations. Each of these donation types are explained below. 

Many active members choose to have two recurring monthly payments setup. One for their monthly Orchard Club Membership Dues at $15/month and another for their 7th Tradition Meeting Contributions in an amount equal to $2 times their average number of meetings attended per month.  

Orchard Club Memberships
Orchard Club Membership ($15/month min.) is a recurring monthly payment that helps keep the club thriving for those who need us most. Your Orchard Club Membership Dues help keep the club's lights on and doors open, and help fund cross-program events & gatherings. In addition, all dues-paying Orchard Club Members have voting rights at our annual membership meeting.

7th Tradition Meeting Contributions
As an alternative to dropping the suggested $2 donation into the basket at every meeting you attend, you can make your 7th Tradition Meeting Conttibution online as a one-time or recurring payment. These contributions support your individual meeting group and help your group pay for its room rental at the club.
7th Trad. Meeting

"Support Our Orchard Club" Donations 
These one-time donations made to the Orchard Club throughout the year help the club grow its presence within our recovery community, improve and maintain our club facility for meetings and gatherings, and expand our program offering to better serve the recovery community in Denver. 

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