Orchard Club South | Englewood, CO
8484 S Valley Hwy, Suite 250, Englewood, CO 80112
Near County Line Light Rail Station

Approved Literature

Club Info

Additional Meeting Resources

Add'l Al-Anon Meeting Resources



6:30 pm MDT inter Assembly 2021Mon

Parker AFG Reaching for Freedom Meeting - Al-Anon (online via Zoom)

  • https://us04web.zoom.us/j/89002830054
  • Meeting ID: 890 0283 0054 / Passcode: 5073529
  • This meeting is a book study and is currently reading:
    • Intimacy in Alcoholic Relationships (B-33)
  • This meeting usually occurs at St. Tikhon Orthodox Christian Church on Plaza in Parker

7:00 pm MDT Tues
New Beginnings Al-Anon Family Group Meeting 

  • In person at Our Father Lutheran Church 
  • This meeting occurs at Our Father Lutheran Church (on Holly between Orchard and Arapahoe). Contact Christine - Group GR with any questions (303-250-7362, christine.newbeginnings@gmail.com)

8:00 pm MDT Tues
Parker Tuesday AFG Meeting - Al-Anon (online via Zoom)

  • This is now a hybrid meeting!  In person, limited to 15 people, will meet at Parker United Methodist Church in Parker
  • Live meeting will be linked to the existing Zoom call; Login details below.
  • https://zoom.us/j/85694230964
  • Meeting ID: 856 9423 0964 | Password: Serenity2

6:45 pm MDT Last Wed of Each Month
Denver Area Service Committee Meetings (online via Zoom) Nov 8ths meeting will be held at the Orchard Club in person.

The DASC has just finished paying off the expenses associated with closing the physical Denver office. Discussion around opening a new physical location, feasibility and what that would look like are just beginning.

If you or members of your group are interested in learning more, or participating in the discussion, it is recommended that they attend Service Committee meetings, last Wednesday of the month, at 6:45 pm.

Other Al-Anon Meeting Lists: 

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