Orchard Club South | Englewood, CO
8484 S Valley Hwy, Suite 250, Englewood, CO 80112
Near County Line Light Rail Station
Orchard Club Colorado AA Alcoholics Anonymous
Orchard Club is Open & Serving Denver's Recovery Community.
Orchard Club South is a community-based organization focused on supporting 12-step recovery programs. We host recovery meetings 7 days a week, organize fellowship events & gatherings, and have a great snack bar with hot coffee & treats. 

Our club serves many 12-step recovery programs, including: Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Al-Anon (AL), Alateen, Marijuana Anonymous (MA), Cocaine Anonymous (CA), Sex Anonymous (SA), and Compulsive Eaters Anonymous (CEA).

We're located in South Metro Denver near Park Meadows Mall and the Meridian, DTC, Inverness office complexes. Right across the street from RTD's County Line Road Light Rail Station 
News & Events
*Club Membership Drive*
The OC Annual Membership Drive will get underway February 10th and run through the 22nd! 
New Annual Membership rate: $240.00 
Don't Delay: Memberships can be purchased, renewed or updated at any time!
Please see or call Sherri with any questions or concerns.
 *CODA meeting*
There is only one requirement to join: a desire for healthy and loving relationships.
The group meets in room 3 the last Tuesday of each month.
*Al-Anon Mon and Fri at 5:45pm*
The Al-Anon group, Recovery Spoken Here meets on Monday and Friday at 5:45pm in room 2.  New comer support is needed.
*Saturdays* ACA and Dysfunctional Families Group
The ACA and Dysfunctional Families Group "Breaking the Cycle" will be meeting weekly on Saturdays at 9:15am. Open meeting.
*AA Young People's Meeting*
The Young People's AA group "To Young to Die" is now meeting 3 days a week!
Monday at 7pm
Wednesday at 7pm
Saturday at 7pm (Speaker meeting)
Open meeting. All are welcome!
*AA and Al-Anon literature for sale*
 We have a variety of AA and Al-Anon books and workbooks. Come see our selection and purchase locally.
Orchard Club Mission

Orchard Club South is an organization dedicated to helping people in recovery live sober, full and healthy lives by providing a convenient, comfortable location for 12-step meeting and a place for sponsors & sponsees to work 12-step programs.

Club Hours of Operation

Mon - Sat
6:00A to 9:00P Sun
7:00A to 7:00P

Office Hours
Mon - Fri
8:00A to 4:00P


Address & Contact Info

8484 S Valley Hwy, Ste 250
Englewood, CO 80112
Next to County Line Light Rail Station

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